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Detours and delays caused by road projects in London










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发表于 2009-6-1 13:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 S9 u6 l% g0 L3 `% b' ?
" B' e  Y5 T. a# ABradley Avenue from Jackson Road to city limits - _6 t, O5 q9 R: `+ V( i$ \
, ~. g. x! s- K0 m
King Street from Adelaide Street to Hewitt Street
" {9 U- w1 a- w% w+ `" K( f/ @: J5 F. j: X, B( `
King Street from Hewitt Street to Rectory Street
0 a% l1 H. |5 w! g" l  j2 b% p) h( ?4 f& d5 ]; N  m2 I
Mamelon Street from Hamilton Road to Nelson Street
& x: r* K% ~- ]
$ q# L0 R" h8 C- k/ l. VMornington Avenue from Quebec Street to Oxford Street 8 j/ G% y8 O9 e1 U) J, J0 M
* Q: A9 \$ @" ^6 k; e
Ridout Street South from Windsor Avenue to Belhaven Road ; \+ d6 \! S0 ?9 z$ R

( I0 E7 P; ?+ s
% b; ^5 m% C, `4 j% WEXPECT DELAYS 4 m  L' ]7 m4 A" ?

' ]# R( S" Q9 B8 P' y7 x; O! iAlbany Street from Ashland Avenue to McCormick Boulevard
2 q7 F* Q' q4 `1 }' a8 ~, z+ R& o& Y% b. |& C
Ashland Avenue from Dundas Street to north of Albany Street " u3 \/ m: y7 _: q

, y+ I* A8 q& S8 lBradley Avenue from Pond Mills Road to Arran Place 9 p5 ]+ T7 C  Z

* m0 v1 L# y( Z2 d5 _# `( lBridlington Road from Adswood Place to Bexhill Drive * I* k- O+ p+ b; O- L
) c7 G; I: h1 }9 D" e* E
Carlton Avenue from William Street to west end end 0 Z* J* C* b9 ]3 ^% Q: o

  j/ i1 c* J( O% ~3 F9 {2 o* ?Clarke Road from Avalon Street to Oxford Street east
; L7 W" r' D* t+ I5 O1 e; V3 O
2 t' |! f7 l* Z" O* l* O$ {Deveron Crescent from Oregon Road to Almond Road south - N: G. B0 {1 o. Q; o

8 m4 J. ]* |5 f3 D# @% P) SDieppe Street from Gladstone Avenue to King Edward Avenue " D4 X- g; z9 y0 K% }( _& C

  T% R  o) b0 b9 ?/ qEverglade Crescent from Cypress Avenue to Woodhaven Road 0 n) v8 R- n4 g5 {
4 s$ S4 r4 W! ~9 R5 R: O1 z3 n$ ?
Finsbury Crescent from Friars Way to Friars Way : Y9 V: a+ [! l8 K8 O# N

" q& v3 ]4 u. V. T7 ZGleeson Street from Ashland Avenue to east limit 1 {! g0 G2 b5 {( S1 A; H2 e

! p0 _" V; w2 s; a% OHansuld Street from First Street to Second Street
1 F0 U6 [' [  ~3 @# a! L! d, \1 G# a0 m1 w* e" P! a' |
Highbury Avenue north from Calvin Street to CN Rail tracks # U2 ?2 R/ J  Z' @

5 V/ ~' ]& [$ H2 T5 L; ^Highbury Avenue south from Scotland Drive to Westminster Drive
9 v$ V4 l. \3 |* e& Y2 ~
" {1 F* j: y/ ^6 W0 [Jalna Boulevard northeast leg from Ernest Avenue to Bradley Avenue
7 q2 k+ t. `/ [: v, i
9 u1 u. l" c0 P8 m0 V* L) {Keyhill Place from Keyhill Road to end
4 `0 f+ w1 h. Q' q" M5 f
9 o) `& G/ z3 dKeyhill Road from Homestead Crescent to Homestead Crescent 5 N1 K; W; D/ I

# B3 n, _6 d: Q, f5 I; y+ TKing Edward Avenue from Veronica Avenue to Dieppe Street
0 \/ O9 u& k7 @6 [/ A0 p4 U. S# n$ ^" D# k0 E0 w  ^4 \4 P5 a
Lysanda Avenue from Deveron Crescent to Worthington Avenue 8 _& B- ~  U+ l5 B5 \
! z7 I1 Y  _- S( R
Mahogany Road from Woodborough Street to Cypress Avenue
# Z* c- w, g/ ]7 |! k0 I' p* [& k8 U$ b9 _2 h
Malborough Avenue from Veronica Avenue to Thompson Road ; e) ^7 W$ W$ G

, }8 Y& y: @; h5 ^1 nMcCormick Boulevard from Dundas Street to Princess Avenue
  N; K  B. `) {* D6 i; ?. d
" m* W' ~& L9 l  G5 YOsborne Street from Ashland Avenue to east limit 6 s/ b0 ]9 p" w+ v5 }

. `8 Y3 h8 U2 g1 h2 b6 zOxford Street west from Lane Street to Richmond Street
  l" K) t. I5 z, T  V" c7 r5 l: B
. J9 d3 Z! |" G! xOxford Street west from Platt\'s Lane to Lane Street 0 o4 b/ Y/ n8 R4 @. `- K

6 @1 }, O+ [/ f; b( `Oxford Street west, Kilworth bridge over the Thames River
! E7 H  a7 Z6 q+ x0 V# k# s. L1 M/ m; e2 W$ k6 Y7 q# J
Pall Mall Street from Colborne Street to William Street , n. T4 D; o1 b9 Q& c0 ^. q, h

9 f: M/ y* y& r+ f- {& ZPrincess Avenue from Elizabeth Street to English Street
0 ?7 n' \. Y7 Z3 k- g% c5 }/ ?4 A' m& O( w
Princess Avenue from McCormick Boulevard to east limit
5 {. m" S8 x1 F% p" i3 s! o3 x- _) R. x' f  o
Princess Avenue from Quebec Street to Burbrook Place
8 {7 @: J4 _& s- S  E! {& ^" {! Y. A3 A
Southdale Road east from Pond Mills Road to Millbank Drive ; D2 m6 e9 K  {5 E1 l% m
$ q5 r1 J2 f3 l) S2 K( B$ W
Southdale Road east from Wharncliffe Road to Ernest Avenue
  D/ H& \# j* `# H/ `, E
' e% ~! @- \9 W/ u7 c& kSparton Street from Ashland Avenue to east limit
  G2 B5 Y# i# J* E$ Y
; m! e: G, d# k, Z& S+ ?Veronica Street from west limit to King Edward Avenue
% @8 V/ ~5 |# ]: @" t0 T# ?9 I7 `6 z* s, a
Wellington Road from Grand Avenue to Bond Street $ W; P% H3 u* _
  h4 v% D2 o6 F+ V
Westlake Street from Chesterfield Street to King Edward Avenue
- P& t, e! C( a0 Q  v
9 M* t- S0 }2 R# k" [, R: _3 NWilliam Street from Oxford Street to St. James Street
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