楼主是uwo在读研究生,现有一朋友,加拿大人,uwo社会学学士学位,uwo历史系文学荣誉硕士学位毕业,成绩均A, 有近20年写作,编辑及翻译 (希伯来文-英文)经验,面向所有中国学生或英语是第二外语的学生提供论文或essay修改服务,rate $15/100 words。% s n% l" K( I8 q8 T& h6 L
- m( \ h8 p; O2 S3 [. ^2 l, m/ [ s9 f
4 h" k. l' D- }0 h8 s6 c9 s我的 fyx.yxf@gmail.com (中英文均可)
* n( q1 G+ R( g9 hMr. Ben-Or: el.ceeh@gmail.com (仅限英文): M7 Q3 H; q' o# U$ M
- [( f; F8 s% m& X) w" t9 b
附上朋友的自我介绍 和 学位证照片:
# O4 e% z7 B* T% A( d) K* g/ @9 T" @
I am Eyal Ben-Or, a writer with a BA in Sociology and an MA (and standing honours) in History, graduated from the University of Western Ontario (A-average). 0 V# }5 h' y9 R4 @1 |9 H* }
I have written and translated extensively in English and Hebrew. In university, I have graded many essays and exams as part of being a Teacher's Assistant (including Chinese history). I am pleased to offer you my edit and proofreading guidance, to help you improve and, ultimately, master your writing in English.
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Best, Eyal Ben-Or
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