《杨玉琪美术学院》恢复招生 重要启事 在加拿大多伦多市极具影响力和良好口碑的《杨玉琪美术学院》于一九九一年正式创立。由世界著名美术家、英国剑桥终身院士、美国ABI终身成就奖得主杨玉琪教授亲自主持带领优良的师资团队并直接参与教学。多年来从这里腾飞成为著名艺术家、著名设计师、美加侨界知名画家、输送进安省艺术学院继续深造者达数百人。生源遍及加拿大及美国诸省。每年举办的师生画展成为大多市的重要文化盛宴。
近年来,杨玉琪教授致力于将中华文化艺术推向世界的伟大事业,亲力亲为周游世界举办画展、出版画册及各类著作、四处演讲进行高端学术交流。在世界各地掀起一个又一个热潮。 今天,杨院士虽已年逾花甲但仍孜孜耕耘于艺术天地之中,并立志将全部艺术学养奉献给他居住了二十年的第二故乡多伦多。决定于十一月中旬起在多伦多万锦市恢复招生。面向不同年龄、不同基础水平的人群,开设花鸟画、山水画、书法、西洋水彩画等诸门类的初级班、提高班、画家研修班、入室弟子班以应各界需求。为确保教学质量,皆为小班教学,对学生进行面对面、手把手的指导。 有志学习者可直接与本院力钧老师联络。电话:(416)508-5658 同时可点击 www.yangyuqi888.com 查询详情。 《杨玉琪美术学院》招生办公室 谨启 2010 – 10 – 18 "Yang Yuqi Academy of Fine Arts" restore Admissions9 w7 ] J$ {, D4 N
Important Notice Toronto, Canada's most influential and good reputation of the "Yang Yuqi Academy of Fine Arts" in 1991 formally established. By world-renowned artists, Cambridge, UK Life Fellow, American ABI Lifetime Achievement Award winner led by Professor Yang Yuqi personally presided over the team and good teachers directly involved in teaching. Take off from here over the years become a famous artist, famous designers, the U.S. and Canada Qiaojie known painter and piped into the Ontario College of Art for further studies by the hundreds. Students throughout the provinces of Canada and the United States.Student art exhibition held every year as most of the city's important cultural feast. In recent years, Professor Yang Yuqi committed to the arts of Chinese culture to the world's great cause, hands-on exhibitions held around the world, publishing pictures and all kinds of books, lectured to high-end academic exchanges. Around the world boom set off one after another. Today, Academician Yang Nianyuhuajia Although it is still being diligent hard work in the art world, and determined to support all art dedicated to the two decades he lived a second home in Toronto. Decided to play in Toronto in mid-November, Markham, resume enrollment. For different age groups based on level, open flower, landscape painting, calligraphy, Western watercolor painting and other various categories of elementary, improve classes, artist training classes, apprentice classes to meet community needs. To ensure the quality of teaching, are all small class teaching, the students face to face, hands-on guidance. Learners who are interested can contact directly with the hospital Lijun teachers. Phone: (416) 508-5658 At the same time, you can visit www.yangyuqi888.com for more details. "Yang Yuqi Academy of Fine Arts," the admissions office would like to start
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