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[旅游咨询] 周末好去处(November 26 – November 28, 2010)










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发表于 2010-11-24 07:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. Winter Wonderland at Victoria Park

时间:20101126日至2011118 m/ ~! S% ^5 z* Y$ y
     地址:Downtown London, ON


虽然离圣诞节还有一个月,但圣诞前的喜庆气氛早已弥漫在伦敦的大街小巷。这个星期六,如果你到市中心逛街,到了夜幕降临的时候,一定要去Victoria Park看看,因为“Winter Wonderland” 活动将会把Victoria Park装饰成火树银花不夜天的景象

Each holiday season London residents and visitors can stroll through Victoria Park and enjoy the glittering display of lights that create our city's Winter Wonderland. In addition to more than 75,000 lights decorating park trees, there are a variety of displays including Santa and his reindeer, tin soldiers, a jack-in-the-box and the nativity. And, for all those good little boys and girls who need to get their wish list to the North Pole, there is Santa's mailbox.

The final evening for the lights to shine is January 1 following the culmination of the Forest City's holiday festivities - Celebrate London: Rockin' New Year's Eve!

Victoria Park's festive decorations and outdoor skating rink are a longstanding tradition in London's celebration of the holiday season. Weather permitting, the skating rink is open throughout the winter season. There is free public skating daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.  - with a one-hour closing for ice resurfacing from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

2. Santa's Parade of Lights

) J0 v. F# R) x, |& W* j0 V3 d$ J    地址:Downtown Stratford, Ontario

Santa Claus is in Stratford for his annual parade! Bundle up and enjoy the lights and Christmas spirit as the parade makes it's way through downtown

4:30 pm - 5 pm - Carolling and sale of celebration candles, refreshments served by the Optimist Club and Tim Hortons - City Hall

5 pm - Parade begins

3. Hyde Park Lions Club's Christmas Santa Claus Parade

时间:2010112711am - noon

地址:Sherwood Forest Mall travel West along Gainsborough Road


On Saturday November 27, 2010, the Hyde Park Lions Club is organizing a Christmas Santa Claus Parade for the community. Promptly at 11am, the parade will begin at Sherwood Forest Mall and travel West along Gainsborough Road, finishing just West of Hyde Park Road. Tim Horton's is supplying treats along the parade route and the Lion's Club is collecting dry food goods for Women's Community House and other local charities.

Participants will assemble in the parking lot at the rear of the Sherwood Forest Mall, just South of the Brewer's Retail outlet. Club members will be present to assist with the marshalling of the entries beginning at 8 am.

The parade will depart from the Sherwood Forest Mall promptly at 11 am, and travel West along Gainsborough Road to the SunMedia property at the West end of Hyde Park, where it will enter that property and proceed North through the property to disassemble and then exit onto North Routledge. Vehicles to pick up parade participants may be taken to the SunMedia property before the parade begins, and should be parked at the North end of the property to allow the parade to enter their grounds.

4.The Great Outdoors & DIY Weekend户外自助游周末展会

6 K6 r" {6 D! n4 L; I: p8 @     地址:6900 Airport Road, Mississauga,, ON, International Centre, Hall 1 to 4


加拿大美丽的五大湖风光和广阔的自然景观令许多新移民无比向往。 "户外自助游周末展会"将向您推介最佳旅游景点,并由最资深的专家提供现场咨询。5 @$ q% l/ Y5 n' J9 C

展会由安省旅游局合办,以鼓励参会者体验丰富的户外活动。讲座包括"乘火车探险游"(Bike Train Adventure),介绍游客在多伦多联合车站搭火车,然后在GravenhurstHuntsville以及南部尼亚加拉地区或Pointe Pelee景点下车游览。有兴趣深入湖泊河流探险的人士,旅游公司Grand ExperiencesJamie Kent将向您介绍如何利用iPad设计一个驾驶皮划艇游。

Mountain Equipment Co-op公司展示的"户外游全攻略中心"(Outdoor 101 Centre)将带给您实践的乐趣,帮助新移民和任何有意在户外露宿的人士增加露营的信心。讲座会包括如果搭建帐篷、挑选合适的背包、给滑雪板上蜡、调试自行车,以及在野外点篝火煮食的重要技巧。撰写了十多本露营和划独木舟书本的Kevin Callan将用风趣的语言讲解"划船的五大要点"(Five Things I Never Paddle Without)

想要捕鱼或狩猎的人士,"户外加拿大"展台(Outdoor Canada Stage)将举办一系列资讯讲座。 "户外加拿大"杂志的捕鱼栏目编辑Gord Pyzer将提供如何作冰上垂钓的专业咨询。其他的讲座内容有:挑选和训练猎狗、狩猎火鸡和白尾鹿,以及学习如何用最先进的探鱼器捕鱼。  M3 y: u; |) r5 k1 y

参会者还有机会在安省旅游局所设的专区(Ontario Tourism Adventure Zone)免费领取一份安省户外探险游月历,并了解经典加拿大探险竞猜活动。获奖者可得到渥太华地区的一周游,包括体验渥太华河上划舟,乘水上飞机观赏阿岗昆省立公园,以及参观国会山。这是一家人融入加拿大历史、文化和探险生活的绝佳机会。

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