呵呵, How come you weren't aware of overpaying for yhe items? 2 b$ v% A) o, E/ M0 i& Q; bDid you go back to ask for your overpaid money back without the receipt?
I saw this scene last Friday at United : A girl came to the cashier with the receipt saying she was charged twice for one item. The cashier said sorry and asked her to talk to the manager. One minute later, the manager came to the cashier and instructed her to turn the volume of cash register louder constantly in order to hear "beep" sound. The manager said the cashier did this errors for several time a day. So you are better to keep an eye when you pay and keep your receipt.
以前买东西,说实在的,那些收银员基本不怎么会帮你把东西装到袋子里,所以一般收银员收钱,我就去自己装东西了,也没在意怎么收的,回家后才发现,每天白天工作就够忙的了,买个菜为了多收的那点钱,我还要跑2回。。。。再说还没车。。。我想大部分人像我这样的都会算了吧,顶多下次注意了 W$ B7 a: b) \2 I$ S7 ~) b
0 b' d: R" J- R2 U+ T6 Y v再说这样的事情,你把东西拿回家了,即使有收据,又能怎么样呢?我估计你跑过去,超市的人还觉得是你把东西拿掉故意的呢,因为很多东西往往你都会买好几份,比如酸奶,他们多收你几个又怎么样呢?
& v; q! W& [- B - p* v* C9 x6 M* h# L0 N- J* \. r Then you have learned a lesson this time. It is good for people to grow from all mistakes. Thanks your replying personly. Good Luck for all kinds of shipping.