本帖最后由 RoxanneA 于 2015-6-5 17:11 编辑
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Are you looking to improve your English or prepare for IELTS exam?
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I'm an experienced, TESOL-certified ESL Teacher looking for more students who willbe taking their IELTS test.
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想全面提高英语能力,或者正在准备雅思考试? 作为TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)认证的老师,我正在寻找更多准备参加IELTS考试的学生。
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My profile:
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-native-English speaker (Canadian) -experienced teaching English in Canada and overseas (China and Japan) -specialized in teaching a Cambridge preparation course -very encouraging and adaptable -flexible work schedule -great student reviews
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我的简历 -加拿大人,英语为母语 -有在加拿大和海外(包括中国和日本)英语教学经验 -曾专门教授剑桥准备课程 -鼓励性和适应性教学 -弹性工作时间 -有很好的学生口碑 : ^4 s& r, ]9 B$ ]
I can help you improve the following areas: : b" G. O3 ?! T# P9 Z) {
-speaking/pronunciation -listening -reading -writing -vocabulary -grammar \# r2 g; |3 ^& \2 ~+ ~
我可以帮助您提高: 3 k) t" t6 g( s. ?/ W& @* B3 N
-口语及发音 -听 -读 -写 -词汇 -语法
8 k: x7 ]* k$ N! o, F
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-I do lots of error correction, both in speaking and writing to help you improvefaster -I am experienced with many ages, from children, to youth/young adults, toelderly -I can help you correct your essays, resumes and any other written works -I have experience teaching people from several different backgrounds includingChinese, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian, Saudi Arabian, Korean, French, Persian,Portuguese, and German : f6 q5 s" j( C- `3 B5 v0 H1 l
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-我会对口语和写作中出现的错误进行纠正,帮助您快速提高 -我对不同年龄的学生都有教学经验,无论您是儿童,青年,成人或老年 -我能帮助您修改论文,简历及任何其他文书 -我有教授不同背景学生的经验,包括中国,西班牙,日本,巴西,沙特阿拉伯,韩国,法国,伊朗,葡萄牙和德国
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One-to-One private lessons are $25/hour, but bring a friend along and it's only $20 each! Further group rates can also be negotiated.
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一对一私人授课每小时25加元,如果您带一位朋友一同学习,每人每小时只收20加元! 团体价格可进一步协商。
/ Z1 E, @% r+ v' S+ K6 |
Please reply by email for further details. I look forward to helping you improve your English language skills! - ?, r3 w% t0 i9 O" l
细节沟通请回复邮件 我希望能帮助您提高您的英语水平! 8 Z; L, m! E% c
Roxanne msroxannea@gmail.com |