London Driving School 英语驾驶教练Azar 5196947794 专业高效助您通过G2和G牌路考 leave a message or Text @ 5196947794 ( Text me to get immediate response. ) 英语教学,耐心认真负责,收费合理,针对G2和G牌路考进行考前强化训练,路考时更自信轻松通过。 陪练时间灵活,针对学员不同水平提供个性方案:考前强化,新手上路,散钟或周末练车等等。 对留学生和新移民价格优惠。 伦敦市区免费接送学员练车。 提供路考车辆。  副驾刹车装置100%安全练车。 安省注册专业驾驶教练,精通安省G2和G牌路考规则。 在伦敦及clinton任驾驶教练多年,熟悉路考路线和规则细节。 Experienced and Ministry approved driving instructor . In Car Driving lessons . Reasonable and Competitive Rates. G2 & G Road Test Preparation lessons for international students and newcommers. Pick up & Drop off in London . Car available for Road Tests . Road Test Package for ( G2 and full G) Patient , understanding and friendly. Special attention for nervous drivers. Car displayed includes second brake and fully insured as a teaching vehicle. Road test in London & Clinton Call Azar and leave a message or Text me @ 5196947794 ( Text me to get immediate response. ) / j, u' u/ C2 T0 ~! q3 ]
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