本帖最后由 Independent 于 2010-8-18 22:17 编辑 : {" y2 y* F* ^+ r6 I5 Z& p. I
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*选择的理由:-“华人企业及居民应关心电费的涨势” 2010-2011! R5 d; a; l2 m& W& {6 g
* J1 e/ j9 w3 T& X, ?$ U4 _* `摘译如下:- “截至七月份, London Hydro 约 135,000 用户中 大部分126,000 均已安装了数字电表。当地电力计划在 2011 春季前启动 峰值计价。借以引起对耗电家电的使用时间。总体说来,白日用电成本会大大高于深夜用电成本。据称在多伦多市先期使用效果来看,数字电表的峰值计价,将表现 在电费单上用电支出费用的增长。
: b$ x1 T1 d. w摘自:By RANDY RICHMOND, The London Free Press
$ g9 g5 c8 e+ y; q Z* XLast Updated: July 27, 2010 7:26am
( n& z) C) P' G& o% N/ [- G3 @6 S0 \- \* i) ~/ ~4 Y/ X
As of July, 126,000 of a total of about 135,000 London homes had smart meters installed. London Hydro plans to get the meters going and roll out "time of use pricing" in the spring of 2011, forcing customers to watch what appliances they use and when.
' [3 D% F: P. Y% j, k9 Y5 ?0 ?/ }. M7 r# E
In general, it will cost more to buy electricity during the day than night. In Toronto, the smart meters and time of use pricing have led to increased bills, Sharma said.
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“Hydro bills zap wallet”( j8 j2 R( A) m. B, ^7 r" r! |+ ^4 c
LONDON HYDRO:- p( M, \: q5 k4 f" k5 M
Get ready for a 17% hike next month, and that's just the minimum due to an increase in the cost of electricity and, of course, the HST. -By RANDY RICHMOND,, g8 Z c6 U" G% Z j2 H J
The London Free Press! V' `3 D* I' H: _' h: o
Last Updated: & Z# k4 z1 O% W$ w
July 27, 2010 7:26am
. s. V) T* l# {/ M- K4 L : r! j- Q, |9 ^. [
; A$ d2 D! C- m2 j% wLondon residents are going to get whacked with another jump in their electrical bills Aug. 1, one of the many changes coming their way over the next two years.
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( r7 l7 M2 R y7 L" ?. A' K% x* T个人业务主页:9 K5 _: g7 H- U% k" x5 _& }& g) ~
Hamilton 工商黄页:London 工商黄页
8 S; X+ f2 t$ [" x+ A/ x6 s: o
8 U0 D) F$ Y5 q9 G3 A0 B9 n4 A' p) c
工商用户如何,规避电费涨价, 远离困扰,欢迎咨询:* 选择安省批发电价计划
# E" ?) l+ K x/ i8 D7 B" u" n" }) AIndependent 能源资讯 ( 安省 OEB Lisence); S' T1 I% b# c+ z) d4 x
! q' }8 k; s% R9 c& b g$ OCell 905 802 5896, Fax 905 333 8359
; a8 `7 C, K4 T- Y2 z
8 L9 Q/ H6 R- D1 ?6 l+ m
相关参考文章:Read more : Link to Newspaper:7 [ o$ n/ l! M3 l
http://"Consumer to pay up to 16% more" -July 29, 2010
4 m- x' u0 E" F5 \! R"安省电价为啥上升,数字智能电表惹得祸"?
; ~1 L5 c5 [8 h( i4 E8 m9 T“哈市普通电价上涨 16% “动真格”
, G; I3 V# ^/ \0 R" H4 v“哈密尔顿电力局宣布8月26日起启用高峰计价” |