本帖最后由 bondimm 于 2019-5-11 14:56 编辑
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There is a tip about how to eat anelephant – one bite at a time. I do not recommend eating an elephant; even the ordinaryelephants are beautiful and amazing creatures. Immigration pathways to Canadaare big animals too, and in this article, I will give you one tip that willbenefit you at every step. 如何吃掉整只大象?一次性吞下?不现实。一口一口吃,才是正解。当然,我并不推荐真的去吃大象,毕竟大象那么可爱,怎么可以吃大象?!:)【中国有句谚语“饭要一口一口吃、路要一步一步走”,在北美文化中,也有类似的说法,“如何吃掉大象?诀窍是一次只吃一口”】。我其实想说的是,如何移民加拿大和如何吃大象,这两个问题的答案很相像:都需要一步一步地来而最终实现目的。在这里,我会就移民问题,提供一些实用信息,并在结尾处透露一个万能贴士,以帮助有心之人做好移民加拿大的准备功课。 ' P1 b4 K4 Y+ e, {# N, {+ r
In the earlier replies to thesequestions, you have seen page after page of detailed options and requirements.In this article, I will tell you my observations that I hope will help youunderstand the other side of immigration; which is about the goals of Canadianimmigration policy. An appreciation of Canadian objectives will help youunderstand how your situation might best fit. 关于如何移民加拿大,在我之前的很多网友回复中,都有写明移民项目的选择及要求。但我更想追根溯源,换个角度去理解移民。所以我将从加拿大移民政策的制定目标开始分析。因为只有搞清楚了成因,才真正利于大家根据自身现状,匹配适合的移民途经。 Canadianimmigration policy is based on just a few objectives: , d$ a5 n9 A, O# N, d, Q
- support the development of the Canadian economy,
- reunite families in Canada, and
- to get the maximum benefits from immigration: social, cultural and economic. % K+ j- [, U' P7 h2 Q
There areothers, but these are the ones you should know. 加拿大移民政策的制定,主要基于以下几个目标: · 促进加拿大经济发展 · 使家庭得以团聚,及 · 最大化移民带来的社会、文化、经济方面的价值 当然,还有未列举的其他原因。但理解以上目标,最为重要。 You should alsoknow that Canadian society considers paying money for immigration asinappropriate. Great care is taken to eliminate options that allow someone tosimply pay for permanent residence. At the same time, a lack of savings is abarrier to immigration, because money is needed to accomplish each step. I donot know what is an ordinary person; perhaps the following paragraphs can helpyou answer if ordinary people have a chance at immigration to Canada. 另外,还应该清楚的是:一方面,加拿大社会认为“用钱买身份”的做法并不恰当,所以会针对性地严控监管,以避免此类情况的发生;另一方面,因为移民进程中的每个步骤,都需要一定的费用支持,所以资金的不足,同样能够成为移民的障碍。那普通人是否有机会移民到加拿大呢?我虽不确定“普通人”的具体定义,但我接下来的文字,可能会给有移民想法的“普通人”一些启发。 Now, if you arereading this article, you are probably mature with education and possibly withpositive work experiences; meaning your skills could support economicdevelopment in Canada. Exactly as the policy objective has stated. However,this is where cultural differences are most troublesome for those immigrating;the rules that define whether you can contribute to Canada are written from aCanadian perspective – you may have already noticed this as something strangeand difficult to understand. 我推测正在浏览我的文章的你,是一位思想成熟,具有良好的教育背景及工作经验的人。你或许认为,自身能力可以有益于加拿大经济的发展,完全符合加拿大移民政策的制定目标。然而,因为文化的差异,事实恐怕与你的想象有出入。更确切地说,你是否有能力为加拿大做出贡献,必须置于加拿大的视角下并遵从其判断规则——尽管你可能觉得这有些不近人情又难以理解。 Skilled workers applying throughExpress Entry or Provincial Nomination are evaluated on · Age, · Language ability (English or French), · Education, and · Work experience. 通过联邦快速通道(EE)或者省提名(PNP)申请的技术移民,有如下衡量标准: · 年龄 · 语言能力(英语或法语) · 教育背景 · 工作经历 Age - as someonewho is older, I ask myself why age is a decisive factor; I believe that moreexperience should mean more skill and greater value. Nonetheless ages 19 to 30score higher point in Express entry. Canada has universal health care atno direct cost to its citizens or permanent residents, and Canadians feel thattoo many older Canadians means higher health care expenses to the country. 年龄——我曾问过已不再年轻的自己,为什么年龄会是一项决定性因素;尽管我坚信,更多经历意味着更强能力和更高价值。然而事实是,19-30岁的人会在联邦快速通道得到更高的评分。究其原因,加拿大对所有公民、永久居民及部分有其他居留身份的人(如工签持有者等)提供免费的医疗服务。所以政府有理由认为,过多的年长者势必增加加拿大的医疗支出,造成财政上的负担。 Languageability is counted very highly in immigration programs, as the country tries tokeep its bilingual English/French cultural identity. Simply said, score resultsfrom IELTS-G or CELPIP-G will determine whether you are eligibility or not(yet). Due to the enormous task of language learning, I refer you to my firsttip – one bite at a time. 语言能力是移民项目中的一个重要考核因素,原因在于加拿大一直致力于国家双语文化的维护。简言之,雅思G类以及思培考试的成绩将决定你是否符合移民的语言条件。我们都清楚,语言的学习过程十分不易,但我最初的那句话“一步一步地来”,对提升语言能力同样有效。 Education is aworld-wide means of evaluation of a person’s ability; which is easily measuredand compared. It is used by schools for admission, employers for hiring, andimmigration programs. Canada is seeking skilled workers, with skills in jobsthat require college or university education, so naturally persons withpost-secondary education score higher. 教育背景是用来评判个人能力的普遍通用标准,不仅易于判断,也方便比较,是入学、招聘及移民的考量条件之一。加拿大需要较高学历(大专或大学)的技术人员,所以,高等学历的人可获更高的分值,这一点合情合理。 I look atlanguage improvement and additional education as opportunities to improve yourchances of success in immigration. Sorry, your age cannot change, no matter howyoung you look. 小结:强化语言能力和优化教育背景,可以有效增加移民机会。因为年龄无法改变,尽管你看起来确实很年轻。 Work experienceis also a key factor, and unpredictable; it is the factor most subjected tocultural differences: differences in definitions, differences in job titles,difficult to validate, and difficult to measure. From a Canadian perspective,the authorities must evaluate on Canadian standards and Canadian professionalregulations. Immigration is focused on a future in Canada, so business orcareer success in your home country may not be evaluated as favourably as youmight expect. 工作经验是一项关键但有些“飘”的因素。我前面有说过,它更多地体现了文化间的差异:职业定义的不同、职位名称的不同,导致验证难、判断也难。从加拿大的角度出发,官方对于职业能力的评估必须遵照加拿大的本土标准及职业规范,这样更能预判出日后你在加拿大的生活状态。因此,你在国内取得的事业成功,若放在加拿大的评估体系下,很可能无法得到符合你预期的评估结果。 For thisreason, I prefer to suggest pathways that plan for completing additional studyand new work experience in Canada. Almost all Provincial Nomination Programsfavour applicants that have studied or worked in their province as proof thatthe person will stay work and live in their province. 综上所述,回到“普通人如何移民加拿大的问题”上来,我的答案是建议选择包含留学加拿大并累积当地工作经验的移民方案。通过大幅改善自身语言能力、教育背景及工作经验,更有说服力地展现出可以立足加拿大的综合能力和忠诚意愿,达到所在加拿大省份的移民要求,这也是为什么几乎所有的省提名项目都会青睐在本省学习过或工作过的人的原因。 As promised myone tip that will benefit you in all steps along the path to immigration is tobe truthful. Fake information may be overlooked at the beginning, but then itis “on record” and it will always be a worrisome threat for rejection in theyears to follow. 最后,如约奉送大家一个移民路上的万能贴士:诚实。因为最初,虚假信息也许会被忽视,但它一定会被记录下来,从此成为未来几年内随时可能导致拒签的难缠威胁。 Robert Dykstra Robert Dykstrais an Immigration Consultant living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 罗伯特•戴克斯特拉 罗伯特•戴克斯特拉,生于加拿大,现居加拿大曼尼托巴省温尼伯市,是一位认真又亲切的持证移民顾问。 英语原文:罗伯特•戴克斯特拉 中文翻译:邦德移民 2 z- U7 a9 V8 A& c `. s1 f
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