本帖最后由 火炎焱燚 于 2011-4-21 16:29 编辑 3 `" w' ?' N6 [5 K$ L& t( H 8 H4 p* q, X9 b$ xIkea Side Table-----30Ikea Shelf -----------30 6 d1 Y' `/ }5 i1 W
一个很难用语言描述的椅子(urban outfitters)-----------40 9 @8 ?, @7 y) TDouble Size Bed with box, stand--------------280" b# V$ U+ g; i2 b' q9 {1 M
wii White with two controllers Super Mario, Need for Speed and Medal of Honor Heroes 2-------------220 ' W/ X: O) g0 I. y Rogers Cellphone Plan 转让 无限短信 500MB上网 来电显示 My 5 200分钟通话 晚间(从6PM开始)周末无限lexmar 3 in 1 printer 扫描 打印 复印--------60 ) Z' C* v C2 V7 J" zall 1 year used$ O; C% g P$ t Y7 a( T4 n
519-859-5530 zgx3116@hotmail.com