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婴儿车 carseat 一套 Graco Stylus Travel System









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发表于 2013-10-15 20:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
婴儿车 carseat 一套 Graco Stylus Travel System
% \; W5 t3 s4 |, e8 \2012年5月买,现在转让 200刀,较新,买的时候400多刀 电话519-204-5397, E4 J2 m# o- u+ P; A
) E; g4 n2 h( a! ihttp://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=12076272* y3 f- I. {1 H* G9 t6 a
0 H8 O- A  I2 `7 d' ?" J- v3 C
Stylus Travel System8 @" R! i6 f- ?- y1 E
Item No: 1810993  | Pattern: Montego+ f, S$ ^( J, k4 \! I0 f* W# G
Item:1810993 | Pattern:MontegoItem:1810993 | Pattern:
) k# r7 J+ W4 ~. O5 J- K; nFeatures
& [& Y6 P; G& S( ]2 K   STROLLER:
4 P  h3 ^. y4 W+ l$ ]& ~; X
( k6 ?5 ]# k0 z) M2 M   Product Features
( L. x0 \1 F; \9 Y! {( t' c6 p/ \: j* O2 f0 U2 X. f
    • Wheels 7.25 inches and 8.75 inches" a5 c$ f  H! e; N0 ~. B- W2 r. c
    • Combination 3 point and 5 point. t- s: v/ o6 }
    • Harness* O) B+ r7 j/ b. ^$ J
    • One-hand fold with storage latch& ^  }+ j) Q5 \! F  {
    • Parent tray with compartment
7 j. |2 S' `) m% ]- A% w    • 2 cupholders6 U& a5 K5 p! F5 [* X! N
    • Adjustable handle2 [. O: d5 _" _$ r& R- p
    • Multiple position flat recline
0 i7 Z  W3 }  C/ V. O. W    • Child’s tray with cup-holder
; f) z! u5 Z4 f; L0 j    • Adjustable canopy with window
# G% w5 U+ Q1 ]6 M+ Q    • Storage basket% D. s9 q4 ?3 H

0 x# W+ T, y! C0 I6 z# f4 x( n   Recommended Use:
: S& H$ u# [. ^8 ~8 i+ n# }
5 V+ [2 d! y& O/ g& Z) q    • Up to 40 pounds
; ^, |, e6 @' o
5 j; F8 Z1 U% Z0 ~3 ?' h) H; B. x& o4 Q5 M* X4 `+ D# A

$ J- [/ f9 A0 }SnugRide® 30 Infant Car Seat
6 _' r: u* J& q7 _* r: X  ]
5 Y, b2 W* o3 c- @: {6 l
/ ~2 D) }/ `1 ~1 m. K   Product Features
9 |/ n0 R" @! X$ @' d" C& n; \: G
: q+ J: D# m$ }    • 5-pt. harness with front adjustment
: F% @& A* F) ^, k: E! A    • EPS foam
9 m% ~$ R; Z: v, X    • Infant head support
0 q* D* [3 {( b# c) f( ^' N9 Z    • Harness covers$ j. N2 T- ]3 V! c5 e
    • level indicator
8 g+ c5 ]& W7 h) v: u    • 2-piece chest clip
4 S1 P4 B# H& L7 f! l2 v    • Adjustable base! E- }9 e) q$ a3 m& K: s4 X/ C
    • Adjustable canopy% ?8 A! k# E* `
    • Washable seat pad
! T: ^* S1 Y" U. S8 W) r- A$ t( I7 D
   Recommended Use:; J6 p: x$ d/ C' _, r. T

( m5 ^5 `6 V" B& ]$ f    • Rear-facing 4-30 pounds and up to 30 Inches
itm-img11810993_A Master .jpg
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