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- 注册时间
- 2010-12-7
" ~& @" B* c$ j" G* ^- Y- @* }
) |& m# I) g( O1 D/ b( u5 G( G韩国高丽参-批发0 ~5 K. Y. }# h6 h! A0 s" g! T
8 a A/ K5 `8 Z8 W. x
从一月到三月, 公司会按批发价销售,韩参印, 韩国高丽参。 \) J! a: {& B( n% B: [/ a! r
买得越多就可以得到更多折扣。; |, J. L+ w% M! v1 i6 N
7 a5 ]# e5 a8 [2 {
(第一广场) 4168 Finch Ave E. #G53, Scarborough (Midland) 2 l$ @' P7 e Q/ `* B5 Z0 v
TEL: 416-986-7788
& y5 X% C" N7 U* Y; z l------------------------------------------------------------------------------; |2 X8 H5 Z* i J- X% [
, b4 L* y/ i. H+ l6 K
& j, o9 X& b% {: N: o% t& f
$ s7 U2 Q$ H6 l/ D B (万锦广场) 3255 Hwy #7 #131A, Markham
2 M$ W, g4 C2 a7 N t: d4 o# D5 |; x+ Z9 O0 _- c0 x! P+ q2 E
(东方广场) 4438 Sheppard Ave E. #103, Scarborough
% S, c8 [) S; O+ |1 I6 y, u
/ T; A! S: N" j5 c: A! D( A# G- |0 `8 R7 [$ o9 x
; z- K$ W- H. P6 d" ?1 |--------------------
- V. W# Y7 E z2 T* h8 \
( {+ P& ?' g4 F: V3 A將大韓民國的高麗紅參刻印于世界
4 l0 S3 i: w9 V4 a8 g* q( c. d. [0 z0 `/ _% }9 P
! U; p' O& d4 j( b, W5 ~2 @/ x5 G/ d) P: P; G; \
農協高麗參韓參印是于2002年8月由農協中央協會100%出資成立的公司.其目的為了增進耕种人參農民的實際利益和為人參產業發展貢獻力量,本公司通過嚴格,衛生的制造管理制造并銷售安全,值得信任的紅參.8 w- @# P6 Y5 q) M Y
) n& Z/ e8 x! M5 u* b6 X+ v
' \1 ^/ A0 J0 S2 ` F$ C5 h
3 H( t+ `3 v* a/ A- j率先引導未來人參業的企業-韓參印
% c9 `3 e+ b% [$ V! V3 {( h) Q! |+ U( I, B
+ {0 p, J$ M% x* Y9 `- i! [; Y- [7 z* a3 V3 ~- [/ o( \0 _6 [& P+ U# c
通過強化人參產業內農協的力量謀求人參系統事業的活性化) E1 U( g+ H/ Y$ u7 I- B P' l* A
|+ Y( N5 U& D. ^* K' y) D& T
. X. P6 Z2 ]- q$ I/ W3 P
0 j2 ]+ @. M# K6 k 通過先導健康Well-Being產品增進韓國國民健康等
6 {! w) k9 A) X7 L7 G
! h, b$ I7 d; `5 I& h/ d 用量8 o& |. ~( c" } ]7 \' E* h
5 u/ S. I3 V, L& G
( n( l. z5 _6 M. S
- d! o* @% @8 r5 P- @; r4 a0 f
為改善病后虛弱体質而短期攝取時: 50g - 60g
" k/ d( E) ~ Z* q: Z% Q6 h, i: t. ~/ Z5 W' V E% ^$ K
為增進健康而長期攝取時: 12g - 20g0 Y$ x0 i, y9 h4 p
- M+ A, j7 i4 e$ E! D0 Y 6 |7 B/ n' S3 k4 v+ o% q3 F
# E9 f! Q$ P( a5 T0 R
用法; w) R! |2 C5 Z
6 J- E' N$ m7 c) s0 {$ S' V
+ A2 ?4 B3 ?# q/ Z, h. b3 `3 B* c- O& a
將上記量的紅參和水,3粒大棗,3g生姜放在煮藥罐中煮到液量剩下1/3左右,一天分2-3次服用,15歲以下的儿童服用成人量的一半.越是長期攝取越會增進效果.2 P5 z/ A5 Z2 T! Q8 ]- [' d
& r0 d' _) y$ ^
紅參的种類* y+ D D! Q5 |! q$ A
" }0 n/ ]; H9 v* ~* w
4 _0 k( ]( D3 E" v& G+ f# z8 Y2 h/ R' m. ]* l
# h$ L) J+ u0 c# p7 a
* W$ U1 n, X. @& ^' u 2 y( z3 X$ {2 T$ f+ G" q9 a
) R2 o8 }2 w- }# E" q8 @. \
天参9 D2 _2 o* p) [: m4 `5 x1 a
' c& E) w% m# C% ~6 W7 [( h
, g) A" b1 m) z' J& L
* T/ Y: q/ v0 a' @7 _1 A- I Y8 R% f- U天参是红参中质量最良好的特上品,它内容组织致密,外形最完美,在加工的红参中具有最卓越的效能。: w6 I+ q* [6 K2 ^# P
7 g& ^" E( H1 u; e/ [其组织和外观是其它红参远所不及的,名副其实地被认为是上天赐下的人参,因此称为天参。! r, u4 r2 Q2 m* W, A* H
& j$ |/ d* K' [- }* q- e1 p& u0 g; d
. V8 j, x! d H' ?6 i& o* R# ]% S" j9 ]
地参1 V" W5 @+ o9 x
- f U& Z3 \& q% D6 l; G9 g# I ) P9 L6 E; \; }' o
) y/ O5 A R6 f4 ]
地参是仅次于天参等级的商品,其内容组织和外形方面比天参稍有不及。它被认为是承接了土地之利的人参,因此称之为地参。4 r) Y' c! S; i- w; O) o
) }9 N: ~0 m2 ^7 { : ]6 L3 f0 X0 C( [
0 e$ c. M. w8 g" r$ J! b7 W良参
& ~* E5 h) X0 j1 O
7 e2 ^+ o7 d! P5 T+ e" L. G4 z
3 y, Q7 \- ^5 O+ f9 k5 n6 [! ] G& Z3 N# M) w) k
6 F. U" q8 B$ @* u- F$ o--------------------------------------------; v9 t9 r+ _* T1 F
; M$ \( L$ [- j) j6 v8 i
: ^" ?* D4 l U5 o4 ]* z7 c. Q
Nonghyup Hansamin, Korean Ginseng, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Agricultural Cooperative, was incorporated in August 2002 for the economic interests of the ginseng farmers and the growth of the ginseng industry with the production and the distribution of the safe and reliable red ginseng by the strict sanitary production management.
; P) h) |, m* O; ?5 j: s3 z7 v. ^( Q2 Y3 s- X y
) U0 S+ |7 I8 s; s" S+ d# O
2 A6 F; O F+ p& xHansamin, the company leading the future ginseng" L2 a7 ^: i0 U/ h
9 {/ ~. V, X: t8 k4 h2 n( G4 ?
1 Z# ~4 [' m( Q8 _
3 S' m% O" j( q2 C Pursuit of the reivigoration of the ginseng-related industry by strengthening of the Agricultural Cooperative competence in the ginseng industry7 W5 r5 x2 x& C5 _" G
+ f8 d4 S* y8 C$ `# u# E Popularization of the Hansamin red ginseng by the expansion of the domestice/oversea market: Y) [$ T' W6 f4 b. y" W) X9 U5 [
5 K, ~; V. Z8 J2 ?1 P" n3 j3 d
Contribution to the public health improverment with leading the health and well-being
0 a0 p7 a9 j/ Q2 ], e
* k2 ~4 o1 A! j% N9 L
8 u3 o# j+ v( k% w! S# F+ D; p& ~7 L7 Z1 z! o9 l: d! M3 I8 \
Ginseng, the keyword of healthy life0 e, [/ @* Q& V: |$ R; s
0 }4 z% E, a# r. \. g
The medicinal effect of ginseng has been recorded in the literatures with the recognition by experirnce for several thousand years. The medicinal effect of ginseng is proven by the many oriental medical books including Myungeuibyullok and Shinnongbonchokyung of the neighbor country, China. The records state that the ginseng tastes sweet, is slightly cool, protects five internal organs, stabilizes the mental condition, removes bad feeling, improves vision, comforts nerves, and so forth, which means that it has been used as a valuable medicinal material in the oriental medicine and as a household medicine for several thousand years.
; n# C) [7 S9 e: D$ v' z2 i; R" Z o0 ^7 ^
The studies to scientifically examine the effect are also vigorously performed in recent years by many prominent scholars of many countries. `0 j b% w9 s5 Q0 N( _$ T
5 [, F ^; A% x# `7 ?0 N: r
1 X. m9 X8 N' I
5 ?" R/ _* P5 p# w& N7 W" L
What is the Red Ginseng?
; B/ _. _5 Z& e5 x- C7 [: V" [, S9 C K& b) H2 ^# ]. g( c/ |; a! {
It is made of the fresh ginseng by steaming and compressing. It is the highest ginseng product which can be stored for more than ten years and be boiled with the water or sliced for intake.1 c( e1 i# T) S3 b* L: S9 F
2 R7 u3 K3 F3 G9 k # B2 e- G- c8 {( A% j. u' L# w
0 w0 e: R* h. K, S0 e% wMajor element1 W5 C- b. f2 Z- g1 o7 B7 ]* r
9 _& e! |( _! ^4 ^$ ]6 }% m3 S 5 M3 ?) C* t) c/ a# j! F, T) s$ N
( d1 Q4 _. B& v" G
Saponin) p5 O Q& |5 e# R
; z: I& _+ K5 F$ i, f# j Fatty acid
6 V' n7 }) |6 L$ e
0 M& w2 y( q: [. x4 `5 l) N Volatile matter) T0 h) i8 `5 w } c+ Z) B
- \, T2 s# v( i' k+ Y
Mineral matter3 U: P+ |, K8 B8 S+ \& O: d
( _9 F+ { R" c
Vitamin1 |5 `" k6 T6 }4 z `& O" k# E
8 ?1 v9 K, o% e1 d! O
) w- @ ]) P( _* r; ?2 y* a3 U+ Z" W! {
Basic matter; N1 R- Z8 m# @6 x; o' D
0 J5 f# @; m3 N% K' E8 |
/ j2 V4 m. {) K3 z# ~: J- p; Z
0 u* u. W: }! SEfficacy
7 t$ k( F3 Z* y5 x: }% o- q) f) I$ S2 V/ R7 {7 w9 O0 ^5 U
Korean ginseng is proven to have many medicinal effects by the modern research of medicine. It is proven by the Japanese and Korean researchers that Korean ginseng has substantial effects in prevention of diabetes, hardening of the arteries, the high blood pressure, etc. and that the effects are also substantial ad sustainable in sickness prevention, improvement of blood circulation, fatigue treatment, improvement of the immunization, etc. It is also found in the old literatures that the ginseng tastes sweet, is slightly cool, protects five internal organs, stabilizes the mental condition, removes bad feeling, improves vision, comforts nerves, and so forth, which means that it has been used as a valuable medicinal material in the oriental medicine and as a household years.& {' `' [( B+ I# y
6 c7 r/ Y; ?/ Z1 @0 X. O% W
3 ?. A% @: d3 |- R. P
5 l8 G% v6 l& z9 oHow to intake
* i) o. R& i3 `- L" s( L' }, |, _, s0 E& {* M
/ J% Z- Z( a3 l& ^" d4 p" K' `. K; |
Dosage1 c& x4 b* ]% `' O9 \! V
' B1 k+ y/ ~, e, J: z& J 8 h7 V3 s( N: B; e1 F
! t7 k+ d) w. {$ V& z3 @5 m
Short term intake for recovery after the sickness: 50g-60g
, e, A: h8 p O5 X- Z' r4 [1 Q2 Q& w; W5 d
Long term intake for health improvement: 12g-20g
/ `$ S, e# `' o3 G
0 Y2 w3 D3 b0 }* e# Z3 d % }0 m; o7 o1 R. A
( O; b" n$ V6 x8 w0 f5 PHow to use( O, d8 N$ Q, A( z$ C: q
& C% L$ l+ C! \" C; {8 E, S
2 B7 O9 k6 ^3 R2 F' L" O6 w+ \& j8 h3 A; Q( H: G5 k0 L
To put the dose of red Ginseng recommended above, water, three jujubes, and ginger 3g in the boiling pot, to boil down until it dwindles to one third, to drink it by to three times a day, half of the dose for adult is recommended for the age under fifteen,. The effects may become stronger for the long term intake.9 q) Q4 p. b( m% u( k$ x* S. [
- n. ^1 F/ M" w
9 F' I' }$ T+ g" a
1 ]3 U1 J8 d5 Y& b% c' C( DDirections2 }9 D; ~9 K6 ?8 Z6 ~% k
7 g; P; z( F4 }6 F7 VTo take less in case of indisposition. To stop taking and to go to a doctor in case that the indisposition lasts.
5 o( c8 [' @0 N+ @6 w# T5 b# B# L
1 Y- H- ]" M; j$ {6 u: P( K8 s2 r% B6 K& x* V
Kinds of the red Ginseng
' K' e* _# n) H7 Z' e: l5 N5 P8 x( T! i G1 S! e5 s4 _
The red ginseng is classified by the size, shape, and other criteria into four grades, Cheonsam, Jisam, Yangsam, and Jeolsam.
+ |0 O; S) U" I9 O0 E% o1 x* U+ }* ^$ E- h' R
: b3 @5 ~* D) Y* i; E! f4 |
% X; k7 x' f& xCheonsam (Heaven)- N8 e! y# j1 x% W
: f' \/ p' f5 D& ^. t
It is the highest grade in the red ginseng. It has fine inner tissue, good outer shape, and best medicinal effects. The name Cheonsam represents the ginseng given from the heaven.
9 c4 ]* `6 W/ O! T) J. d; h$ _
) {8 P, W: E1 m& F4 z% ~. [
2 O) f- q4 x8 P" E5 t4 ^6 O" E1 l$ P* @
Jisam (Earth)
; D4 e6 R, ?$ I5 c7 R. I
6 w' ~0 z5 c, J( C @It is the next grade after the Cheonsam. The inner tissue and outer shape are slightly less recommendable than Cheonsam. The name Jisam represents the ginseng of land virtue.
5 m' J7 \# D# s9 S( J. d- d/ J$ e1 I- n5 k& d3 t: \
' S4 H0 p8 _: d6 W* R1 I0 k+ q3 G
1 i- v' f# \/ r+ P
Yangsam (Good)" A6 z9 {, H' ~$ _- O+ i, ~
* i7 p) `% W/ |0 u$ ?$ k
It is the next grade after the Jisam. The inner tissue and outer shape are slightly less recommendable than Jisam. The name Yangsam represents the ginseng which is better than other ordinary ones. |