UWO的Glanmore Apartment 出租其中的一个房间。
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% @; Q1 W& P, k# y8 |9 N- U& f该Apartment是两房两厅,位于Beaver Hall二楼,有阳台。Beaver Hall就在学校里面,步行去教学楼只要5分钟左右。: a5 A* X5 I, l, _& M
学校包水、电,heat和cable。每个周末学校会有免费的车,载住在这些apt的租客去supermarket的。0 x1 { R$ ~3 w# g
You\'re only a short walk to a bank, general store, medical clinic, pharmacy, gyms, a pool and other recreational facilities, a book store, eating establishments, a post office, films, live theatre, art galleries, and a wide variety of student services.
[+ A* N" b d# N4 t+ a2010年1月开始入住。0 ?. F! L% G& Z6 P/ J+ m a
6 A" O/ p- T% z4 C4 T/ i4 z% |1 v' S有兴趣者请联系:guojuan338@hotmail.com |