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发表于 2010-9-17 13:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Mathematics Of Finance (Required)
, U4 ^" g3 D% b# p+ l" f$ JISBN: 0070000182  h" j& T% j" b9 y
Author: Zima    Publisher: Mcgraw- D8 w& c( C* N
Edition: 7th   
' _! ?% ?- [, S2 iOn Hand: 236    On Order: 0& H+ N. ^2 E* b9 R
Price: $103.95 7 P0 P9 ~+ Q7 x5 w9 a

! h7 @& p4 L# k) P3 J) L- X6 W: F- N4 Y
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5 H* p' l7 i: C: v- w0 ]/ rISBN: M9885  f* C% q  ]: i- D
Author: Actuarial Science    Publisher: Uwo
' T/ l& a; i+ y7 `6 M# JOn Hand: 85    On Order: 0
) P- s* B  ?7 r* x( O' T; B4 T' SPrice: $17.40 2 g3 t* K. C% Z7 U
Mathematics Of Finance (Required) 3 X8 F; l0 [! s. h3 u
ISBN: 0070000182' h" _! Q, Q; @: Z$ l! j2 D
Author: Zima    Publisher: Mcgraw
# {4 s4 f) N6 M9 q) JEdition: 7th   
" P* L! m) p5 O# L- EOn Hand: 236    On Order: 0
; l; e( U/ `* V  x0 RPrice: $103.95 / f- e( c; {3 z5 _( A% L: d
2 ^/ ]8 d+ g  [. |5 e) v
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3 d8 ^5 _) B7 J6 f" ]- SISBN: M9885
( K5 m( `% z/ ~* d% DAuthor: Actuarial Science    Publisher: Uwo" C$ u! x! A% Y5 r, P; o
On Hand: 85    On Order: 0+ @9 R' O  p4 |1 @! ?
Price: $17.40
* E3 j. m* U, {5 A9 E
Mathematics Of Finance (Required) % |0 j+ }8 v# [) h3 H& k. E
ISBN: 0070000182% m. x4 P# B  s  B1 j+ ^4 ]
Author: Zima    Publisher: Mcgraw
6 J% h- H% W! A) ~) UEdition: 7th    + [) A( K* h+ X
On Hand: 236    On Order: 0
; ?5 y' O1 V& H" k/ `: {, RPrice: $103.95 ( k! P7 F# O/ S. X8 h
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) E" X3 |/ ]$ c& v; C8 l5 e% fISBN: M9885$ I6 P4 N( T2 o# _7 D& N4 t4 U
Author: Actuarial Science    Publisher: Uwo
- n3 ]% s+ s/ |& l  ]On Hand: 85    On Order: 0
, ]2 j& n+ ]+ \: `3 r- rPrice: $17.40
& @7 V. ~5 V- D6 W+ T) R
ASC2053 (570 KC) - Actuarial Science 2053   Instructor: Prof. Xing Jiang
( ~+ S9 d; {5 iMathematics Of Finance (Required)
; q' ?6 c. q! R# a/ K8 F  \) JISBN: 0070000182, ^$ P4 ~& l% }% M1 C3 K$ P
Author: Zima    Publisher: Mcgraw
$ H% K9 K/ ^+ t5 i6 fEdition: 7th    9 D( {, N) a! ~) e8 [( i, c' p" P. u

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+ [. W- e! R4 N; r' L9 @ISBN: M98855 \3 Z( B9 D+ ?7 @1 j# {
Author: Actuarial Science    Publisher: Uwo$ ^, {2 }& _/ W. ^2 F  Q
, V  F9 I+ i. Z; ^- j2 U
CAL1000A (530 BR) - Calculus 1000A   Instructor: Prof. Florence) u6 p6 P6 O/ G) `. G
Midterm Tests & Final Exams (Suggested) 5 M; T; ]2 D3 P+ S3 B; O+ d! k, \, L
ISBN: M9811" m5 r* F7 p' t5 b! |, f
Author: Calculus    Publisher: Uwo9 u' Q' f6 ^9 C2 V$ \  q0 S

1 Y; O: o+ j! F* ELecture Notes For Calculus 7Th Ed. (Suggested) " s  @1 z0 s9 D; ^  q8 X1 {
ISBN: M7235/ q0 E7 ~+ R; B/ m1 g  m
Author: Mathematics    Publisher: Uwo
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Mathematics Survival Kit (Suggested)
; Q" {. ]7 f  a* F) \ISBN: 0176500170! s( X! C7 I. E! A. o5 G' g
Author: Weiner    Publisher: Nelson2 u, D1 E* S: Z
Edition: 2nd    + w& L( d5 z  C6 q" H

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7 s' Q7 a; m( h, w& QAuthor: Stewart    Publisher: Nelson
$ B, y  y5 y! t! W8 g( g3 q4 s, J3 xEdition: 6e    3 g8 u( R7 N# l
) z- K! U* b- ^+ D: _
ECO2163A (001 UW) - Economics 2163A   Instructor: Prof. Mckeon, I, g; L1 Z1 o, z( D$ c4 V" m8 c
Internatinal Trade (Suggested)
5 ]% ^* d& I$ o6 S3 g5 ^ISBN: 9781429206907
; U" ]  |" H4 F0 LAuthor: Feenstra    Publisher: Worth! P/ n* o! U0 v& z
Edition: 1st    ! b; T2 f. A5 i% ?7 o) F
6 A9 B1 _: g3 {2 K% h/ z
Study Guide To Accompany International Trade (Suggested) 5 }* ~+ g8 D/ x
ISBN: 9781429209311
' @) z7 q7 T* o0 fAuthor: Feenstra    Publisher: Worth6 I. f0 u9 M  m# u- R! Q
Edition: 1st   
% x: Q' N& f7 Z) X; g" f' o' ~2 ~4 K& x! \" x
International Trade And Study Guide Pkg (Required) 7 J" k* K! W. x( ^# w
ISBN: 9781429216951
* n  o8 G% m6 f7 l! a8 aAuthor: Feenstra    Publisher: Worth
8 S% y) `" z/ J) ^0 s# EEdition: 1st   ; o/ m7 B' U7 e4 q- K

! O& P; v# ]. ~" @- [' S" U& x" `- CMAT1228B (530 BR) - Mathematics 1228B   Instructor: Dr. Catherine Florence
4 a0 L9 u4 |9 z9 fFinite Mathematics With Applications (Required) ! B+ F- ~: s) m3 G
ISBN: 88000055455: E& ]) Z7 k4 |2 j3 ?7 `
Author: Biggs    Publisher: New Image) ^2 y  _" d; m
Edition: 3rd   
2 j4 ]' R: _$ I! L* h6 ^, P: h2 B1 s8 K3 J6 \
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