We are recruiting Mandarin-English bilinguals for a study in the psychology department. Participants must have lived in China and come to Canada after the age of 12, and must read English well. The study will be completed in one 60-minute session. In this study, English words will be presented one at a time on a computer screen and you will be asked to decide if they are real English words or made-up words. While doing this task, you will be required to wear an electrode cap, which will monitor and record your electro-magnetic brain waves. The cap is fitted to the head and electrode gel is injected into each electrode, which may get on your hair. Finally, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire about your language background. The study will take place in SSC 7253. You will be paid $10. Participation is voluntary. All information will be kept confidential. To set an appointment, please contact: Location: Western University Social Science Center 7253 Wetchat: yanghuilan2515 yhuilan@uwo.ca (226) 977-5670 " d# v) w* i( h# w