
- 积分
- 314
- 威望
- 42 点
- 资产
- 1062 金币
- 注册时间
- 2010-5-22

楼主 |
发表于 2011-1-21 23:43
我纠正不知多少次了,从来没试过免费。7 q x* {7 X: K" I, {
自由中卫 发表于 2011-1-21 21:26  / z; }6 J5 A2 l1 I
0 N, H, w& `# v7 G+ }, E* E2 P _- O有时要提醒主动要求SCOP。
8 s: `+ c* W2 g, Y0 i& X4 t5 B- b4 s& h6 W9 I- V0 e
The Scanning Code of Practice is a voluntary code that nearly every major retailer in Canada adheres to. It promises the customer accurate price scanning at the register on all UPC scanned or Price Look Up (PLU) merchandise. If an item scans in at a price higher than the shelf price the customer gets it for free (or $10 off if the item is more than $10)
8 |1 E# i& }* \ A$ u3 S1 Y7 j- B# v ]7 k
The scanning code is endorsed by The Competition Bureau of Canada was created from the collaborative efforts of the Retail Council of Canada, the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers and the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors.
: \) u4 L' R) V7 s) z6 xAt participating retailers you should see this sign on the entrance doors and at the till that reads:
! R# x, U, v& o3 f+ n3 l; FScanning Code of Practice If the scanned price of a non-price item is higher than the shelf price or any other displayed price, the customer is entitled to receive the first item free, up to a $10 maximum. If a Code of Practice problem cannot be resolved at the store level, please call 1-866-499-4599 to register your complaint.
0 z- Q# t+ K# i) c; f2 H2 n& J/ a" u/ s2 H" T
FAQ's ABOUT SCOP6 ~' g4 b6 Y: i, }8 W: t
( c v" K+ D2 I" W3 D5 PWho participates in the SCOP?9 F& ]) b+ K( Q; }2 q' K' V: Z
]. \0 \& V2 z8 h0 ~3 aNearly every major retailer in Canada participates in voluntary Scanning Code.5 v6 N; ?( K4 c+ d- _7 m% q, E
, g; R2 o; S0 Y( \- t
If the store I am in does not have the sign do they participate in the SCOP?
; _# ?- w: {# E9 g: }6 C7 X3 p# p
Although all participating retailers are suppose to display the Scanning Code of Practice sign as shown above, not all do. See the link above for a full list of participating stores and chains.0 J6 t$ N3 h$ Q" N; m: X% P& n% s0 M
. }$ c# H/ C2 c4 F2 zDoes Zeller’s particpate in SCOP?
9 j7 Q1 @" Z" ]. W1 w& N" v& T. v% r+ Z% o
No, Zeller’s does not participate in voluntary Scanning Code. # i: ~9 x3 d2 Q! a* L1 Z) s
/ G4 r2 c6 D2 B1 X. {' ^Will the cashier give me the product free without mentioning the SCOP?
" @( O4 A3 K }* Q% Y
) B% F$ V. `! o: ?, GIt is likely that you will have to ask the cashier to apply the Scanning Code of Practice. If the store is a participant they must give it to you for free or $10 off if the priced scanned is higher than the shelf or other displayed price. If the store will not apply the code, call 1-866-499-4599 and register a complaint.
2 Q2 N! \1 c0 L: R; q* FHow about if I more than one of an item that scans in wrong?/ l5 P8 D" O; N, k3 N- G- A
8 Y2 I$ y7 a5 L+ y8 ?$ S2 {1 h9 m, y. R
If you buy three identical items you are entitled to the first item free, the following items will be adjusted to the lower price.' P# C$ s8 {. Y
5 R/ _7 E! e6 i( O4 c
How about if I buy many different items that scan in wrong?
3 }; i8 K$ ]. X! N/ M) V! e% c
# P" ]' d0 s$ ~' FYou are entitled to the first item free per unique UPC, so if each item has a different UPC each item is free. You are entitled to one item free per unique UPC code.
- \9 N3 d% |* t
7 [* S3 K# |2 n9 u6 z- RThe product had a price tag on it does the SCOP apply?
" x5 M3 B5 C F2 V( k
% n; g5 R7 N5 A+ e/ qNo, the Scanning Code only applies to non-price ticketed items.
( \6 K* Z6 v; Q. Y7 {" R% @: f$ B+ E7 T: k3 C$ r6 Q
The displayed price was expired, does the SCOP apply?
- |9 ^" g1 @' H/ G1 d) g; h# B q1 l4 U# s, Z
Yes, if any displayed price for that item is lower than the price the item scans for Scanning Code applies.
3 R. S/ k3 C% d7 w: |) \% R. m4 j8 }+ ], I0 H
The item was on clearance does the SCOP apply?
}% R X% N1 k! p, ]& u7 S# ~! d1 L$ H5 N4 C5 W5 X
If the item is not ticketed with a price and the mark down was only by a sign or dsiplay than yes, the scanning code applies.+ S L$ ]2 O' q0 V) d: i
2 T7 p S- K1 X" a9 J. p! `3 l
How about if the price that scans in for lower than the display price does the SCOP apply e4 o7 \9 S/ S
/ i; R9 b$ @" ]8 Q9 }
No, the Scanning Code of Practice only applies if the price that scans in is higher than the shelf or any other displayed price.
, a" M/ I8 J& H) l6 h. K! U9 ?3 j
3 k7 Z, d" s: IMy item was more than $10 do I get it free?- ~1 W, I/ q$ r: A" G7 x3 [
6 v, t/ L- q& ^/ q! S% f% z6 b
No, if your item is more than $10 you will get $10 off the price of your item. |