本帖最后由 veryhelpful 于 2011-8-8 20:33 编辑 " ?4 X$ [; b# J: M R
$ }1 U- p% i6 M0 I1 `8 R8 D持牌、负责、资深西人G2/G驾驶教练 MTO-certified, responsible and experienced Driving Instructor! 如果你想在最短的时间,学习到规范安全的驾车技术;如果你想花尽可能少的钱,尽快通过G2/G考试,请联系这位经验丰富、耐心细致、认真负责、持牌的西人驾驶教练,他一定不会让你失望。 联系电话519 670 7217 或email:szepessy4@hotmail.com 服务范围:伦敦及附近区域
Experienced, responsible and MTO-certified in-car instructor prepares students for G2/G road tests at a reasonable price. If need be, courses are available as well on completion of which insurance certificate is issued for lower insurance rates. Tel. 519 670 7217, Email: szepessy4@hotmail.com Service area: London & area |