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[出租] Masonville Garden Apartment (副臥) 可隨時入住 或一月初起









Rank: 1

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320 金币
发表于 2013-11-26 01:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(female roommate wanted 求女室友)
* r0 s, h# m  M! x4 R7 \$ [
$ U9 e. T& p- C1 Z/ Q# ?出租副臥+私人獨立廁所 $450/月, 不包水電網  (水電網 大概$60/月左右)! g: _+ y- r9 S! m3 J: f: K1 ]1 |
另有一個共用儲物房   z8 P; {  k/ @
因為單位向內, 花園景色非常宜人, 而且環境非常安靜.
9 V. G( O, I7 N副臥有一個大大的窗口提供充足的陽光, 對外是一個露台.
$ O5 ]/ K8 i, y# B* C有兩三個巴士站在附近, 一走出building便是 從家門到巴士站只需要兩到三分鐘!!!!1 o& n' a+ e8 M( \' K6 V
BUS 2, 10, 13, 16, 38, 39, 90 都會途經這地點.離學校, 歩行只需15分鐘, 乘巴士的話只需 7分鐘.- V3 X4 z% L+ A: d$ x

5 W, }- N  d4 n: q# R$ b家裡全換成木地板, 容易打掃清潔
' w% p2 ?4 `& n! X. d& V6 ^5 m, l
如有興趣, 請發短信到或 致電 (519) 639-3555
0 a1 p. Y/ S( P! d. ^可隨時入住, 從12月初, 或1月初

+ X! w' r: ?  U$ {5 }' q1 K0 k- }5 x( A" o
/ M+ N8 K& l' V  Z% p
; y9 Z% }8 t1 H1 Q: t5 `5 H$ S

8 N+ [& e: ?8 O) |^^^開放色的廚房  寛敞的客廳1 X5 q1 t* W) r
7 r! l1 ]( E  U8 O4 \5 [: H

8 b" D2 Z6 ]9 S. q
0 e! j! ~4 n* F9 e  ^7 D& n/ `3 ]: o, Z) v2 |/ r0 p

+ O* g0 l, M0 C" H* x- p! H& g
A second bedroom with a big window and a big closet is renting out for $450 per month. 6 W6 ]9 F/ _# |2 J2 z9 b4 T
It comes with private and completed bathroom.3 }, t0 G5 M& i. o) p3 C8 d" l

# j2 x9 J& M, b$ E+ vUtility and Internet are not included.  S# y. X( r4 R: Y3 ]! Q/ n: ~) Y$ t
Very convenient location that provides a quiet and beautiful environment!!!
# [* h! {0 l% n, F$ `( YMasonville mall is just next to it, and all kinds of stores are nearby. 0 j8 U- _7 u& F) q7 G  A
For example, Loblaws, bunch of restaurants and convenient stores, Post office, Bestbuy, Staples, Chapters and even a public library, etc.& f1 J. z+ U; G# Y: W3 V- N  f
(All these are within 10 mins walking distance!!!)
4 S9 H% D" W* r. g$ aThere are multi-bus stops very close to the apartment : route 10, 13, 16, 38, 39, and there is route 2 on the weekend.
* h4 K8 l. g; h2 JAlso a new express bus 90 that can go directly to downtown area just started in this September.1 B# \% v3 X1 F5 \" Y

2 [$ b2 Z2 Y9 M. T" KVery close to University of Western Ontario (UWO), in a walking distance about 15 mins or taking the bus would only take 5 mins.
2 K) y; K+ p0 @5 O6 q5 ?2 ?  p6 w, @3 V: |1 j4 h0 U
If interested, please contact (519) 639-3555
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